My Books
My Motorcycle History Books arer now Available on Amazon:
1. Overview of Motorcycle History in America (red Honda CBR on front), the book covers motorcycle history for around 150 years;
- the motorcycle from around 1860 to 1900
- motorcycle history from 1900 to 1917
- history between WWI and WWII, approximately 1917 to around 1940
- the history of the Japanese Motorcycle from 1899 to 1939
- motorcycle history from WWII to around 1963
- the British motorcycle invasion and the Japanese motorcycle invasion
- motorcycle history from around 1963 to around 1983
- history from 1983 to around 2000 and after.
2. Significant Motorcycles that Changed the Sport (green Kawasaki on front), covers several hundred of the most significant motorcycles since before 1900 to today.
- I cover around 200 significant motorcycles which impacted the sport.
- I cover some of the most important engineering developments.
3. The Impact of the Japanese motorcycle in America (yellow Yamaha on front).
- I answer the question, how motorcycles which were rejected became dominant within a decade and a half after being imported.
- I discuss how the Japanese brands, especially Honda, changed nearly every area of the sport in America.
- I cover the life of Sochiro Honda.
4. The History of Motorcycle Riding In America (blue Indian motorcycle on front).
- I cover the riding experience from 1900 to the 21st. century.
- I talk about road developments in four stages.
- I cover the evolution of distinct riding groups and the clubs which they associate with.
Second part of the history pages, click here:
All books available on Amazon.
Go to Amazon and look for "motorcycle history" by Mark H. Bayer.